Swedish-American Society 
Newsletter,November 2001 Edition

President: Larry Leonardson        721-6827

             WHEN NEXT WE MEET: 
Sunday, November 18, 2001
Ruritan Club, Witchduck Road 
3:00 Setup 
4:00 Fellowship Hour 
5:00 Dinner: featured dish is Thanksgiving Turkey 
5:45 Business Meeting
6:00 Sing along practice for the Santa Lucia program
6:45 Raffle with Andy Anderson
7:00 Cleanup and closing.

Program notes:
3:00  Doors open and setup. Sue Arith and Sandy McGregor and the decoration committee will do the setup.

4:00.Fellowship Hour.  Bob Olson brings the beverages for the Club but members intent upon the best of hors d’oeuvres must provide the herring, cheese, crackers, etc.

5:00  Du Gamla, four verses of My Country for Thanksgiving, and I Jesu Namn.
Dining:  An American Holiday Feast.  Larry Leonardson will bring a roasted turkey, but we will depend on pot-luck for the traditional sweet  or mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, complementary vegetables and desserts.  Apple pie is equally welcome with the traditional pumpkin.

5:45  Business Meeting:
          --Treasurer's Report and Dues Collection.
          --Confirming election of nominated officers for president and 
          --Sign-up list for smorgasbord contributions for next month.  Lizbeth 
             & Alan Coker will be present to do the Sankta Lucia procession.

6:00  Sing Along with Ted Johnson, including Thanksgiving and Christmas    favorites, and practice of Sankta Lucia in Swedish.  Member requests are always welcome.

6:45   Raffle of gifts from members.  Proceeds from the raffled items are an important supplement to our dues income to keep the Club solvent.

7:00 Activity by all the able-bodied in clearing and stacking tables and chairs,  Mänge tacks  for your wonderful cooperation!

President - Larry Leonardson     721-6827 
Vice President - Bentley Anderson 
Acting Secretary - Merrie Jo Milner 
Treasurer - Don Lundquist 
Newsletter Editor - Nellie Leonardson 
Web Master-Larry Leonardson 

Swedish Calenders for 2001 are still available from the Treasurer for the bargain price of $9.00.  Did you know that these were printed with true devotion and great skill by Swedes in Minneapolis?  Difficult to improve on that quality. 


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  If coming from the peninsula, take I-64 across the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel, follow 64 to 264 East (144). Follow 264 to the Witchduck Road exit, after exiting, turn left onto Witchduck Road. About 1/4 to ½ mile is Ruritan Drive (fire station light is there). Turn left on Ruritan, go the end of 
the street, building is on the left. 

The monthly meeting of the Swedish American Society was held on Sunday, October 21st. The social hour began at 4:00 with hors d’oeuvres and beverages.  A list of Swedish phrases was distributed to the members by Kristen.  At 5:10 we gathered for singing Du Gamla, and America.  The table grace, I Jesu Namn was prayed.  We then partook of barbeque, side dishes, and several desserts. 
 Ted Johnson introduced his guest, Chris Taylor.  There was no treasurer’s report.  Bentley Anderson announced the slate of officer candidates for the coming year.  There were Bentley Anderson for president, Glenn Gerdin for vice president, Don Lundquist for treasurer, Ed Unser for secretary, and Marijo Milner for assistant secretary.  All were elected by voice vote.  The new officers will take office as of January 1.  The Vice-President read a message to our President from the King of Sweden expressing his sympathy for our losses that resulted from the terrorists acts.  He also read a message from the Swedish Prime Minister expressing his sorrow overt he tragic events of September 11th.   Following the meal, a drawing wash held for the many prizes that were brought by members for the raffle.  After the raffle, a prize was awarded to the person who most closely estimated the number of corn candies in a jar.
 A committee was appointed to make arrangements for the Santa Lucia celebration in December.  The committee included Bob Olson, Alise Dilworth, Ted Johnson, Lizbeth Coker, and Betty Peterson.  Mr. And Mrs. Hans Thunnander will be in charge of the glügg.
 We were led by Ted Johnson in singing Dansen den uppa Swinnsta shar, En gang jag seglar I hamm, Kastervalsen, Harusllen, Halsa dem darhemma, and God Bless America.
 The meeting was then adjourned.

            Respectfully Submitted,
    Ed Unser 

Fruit-syrup - Safta classical Swedish drink for the kids 


 1 kg (2 lbs) of berries, e.g. black or
       red currants, cherries, raspberries,
       strawberries, etc. 
  300 - 600 ml (1 - 2 cups) of water 
  300 - 600 ml (1 - 2 cups) of
       granulated sugar 
  5 grams of sodium benzoate to
       preserve the "saft"

 1. Clean the berries. The pit can stay in cherries; black and red currants can remain as racemes. 

 2.Weight the berries and determine the water quantity. Black and red currants require the largest water quantity, strawberries, cherries, and raspberries require less water. 

 3.Boil the berries in the water under cover for 10 minutes. Squeeze them now and then with, e.g. wooden spoon in order to make certain they are crushed. 

 4.Now comes the tricky part: You have to strain the "saft", using a straining-cloth. Do not apply pressure, but let gravity do the trick. This part of the preparation might take up to an hour.

 5.Measure the quantity of "saft", bring it to the boil and add the sugar. If required, carefully skim off any scum. 

 6.Add the sodium benzoate if desired (first
dissolve it in a small quantity of saft, then add the solution to the rest of the "saft"). 

 7.Fill the "saft" into hot, clean bottles and seal the bottles immediately (e.g. using cork). 

Before serving, mix the fruit-syrup with water to desired strength. 


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