Swedish-American Society
Newsletter, May, 2000 Edition President: Leland Peterson 489-7061
Välkommen! 3:00 Setup by Sue Arith, Sandy MacGregor and Dilworth Committee members. 4:00 Happy Hour 5:00 Dinner with club birthday cake for dessert.
5:45 Business Meeting 6:00 A brief memorial program followed by No. 89 in the Swedish Song Book, "När Guds röst till välkomst bjuder," a surprise for everyone not forewarned The 23rd annual birthday party. Dessert will be our specially decorated birthday cake. No. 28 in the Song Book will be appropriate:"Ja, må han leva." Other songs led by Ted Johnson, including No. 25, "I Ban a Swede.". 6:15-6:30 Bentley Anderson on some traditional May festivals. 6:30-6:50 Sing-Along with Ted Johnson 6:45 Raffle with Andy Andersson. 7:00 No. 22, "Hälsa dem därhemma" for closing, after
which the cleanup.
4:00 Hors d'oeuvres for the beverages (soft drinks, beer and wine) are traditionally provided by the members. 5:00 Vegetables and breads to complement the salmon will be gratefully received from the members. The birthday cake should suffice for dessert. If you have questions, call Marilyn Melendy at 625-2494. CLUB OFFICERS
Swedish 102
When Last We Met
The April meeting of the Swedish-American Society was held Sunday, April 16th. The social hour was from 4 to 5 p.m., during which time we enjoyed a variety of hors de’oeurves and beverages. At 5, we joined together in singing “Du Gama”, “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”, and prayed the Swedish Table Grace, “I Jesu Namn”. The entree consisted of lamb served in a variety of ways, accompanied by vegetables, bread and fabulous desserts, especially the Swedish desserts prepared by Ingrid Thorell, which were “out of this world” delicious as well as beautiful to see. After the meal, the children gathered in another room for their craft time which was led by Mary Jo Milner this month. They made adorable little Easter Bunnies. Our President, Leland Peterson introduced the guests including Eric Boninger, who has now become our newest members, and his financee Jan Hassell, and also Kristina Bissett, who is a friend of the Bertleruds. Leland announced that he was donating a song book in memory or former member Nel Anderson. He suggested that perhaps other members may be interested in donating a song book in memoriam. Ten song books have been purchased by members, and ten belong to the class. Ted Johnson led us in singing from the song books, including “Gubben Noah,” “Helan Gar,” “Kostervacsen,” and “Halsa dem darhemma.” Don Lundquist, our Treasurer, announced that our treasury was in good shape. After the short business meeting, Leland introduced Anders Thorell of the Chesapeake Volvo-Penta Corp., who gave a very informative presentation on “A Swedish Industrial Success.” Anders has been with Volvo for 23 years, and is the manager of the Corp. The word Volvo in Latin means “I roll.” Volvo was founded in 1927 by Gustav Larsson and Assar Gabrielson. The first car was the “Jakob.” The Volvo Group includes cars, trucks, buses, boats, and aircraft. They are manufactured in Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands - the largest plant being in Gotenburg, Sweden. They are the 2nd largest manufacturer of buses and the leading manufacturer of construction equipment. They also make the double decker buses in London. The presentation was followed by the raffle led by Andy Andersson. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. There were 42 people present, including 6 children. Respectfully Submitted,
If coming from the peninsula, take I-64 across the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel, follow 64 to 264 East (144). Follow 264 to the Witchduck Road exit, after exiting, turn left onto Witchduck Road. About 1/4 to ½ mile is Ruritan Drive (fire station light is there). Turn left on Ruritan, go the end of the street, building is on the left
Serving Size : 1
Grate the potato. Heat a frying pan. Take 1/2 to 1/3 of the grated potato
and put in the frying pan. Spread it out, it should be thin as a
lace. Fry until it's golden brown, turn and fry the other side. Serve with
unsweetened lingonberry jam
The salmon dishes can be any variety of recipes so whatever folks want to bring. The club will provide the Club Birthday cake which will serve as our
The new Swedish textbooks and cassette tapes have arrived. The cost
for each is less than the initial estimate, $85.00. If possible, please
bring a check for the meeting reading on May 20th or at the club meeting
on May 21st. A considerable investment has been made in this purchase,
and the sooner we can help make the payment the
An event of singular significance will be commemorated throughout the year 2000: the Vikings’ discovery of North American 1000 years ago, an achievement claimed in the old Saga texts and later proven true by archaeological evidence found in Canada in the 1960s. The artifacts confirmed that 500 years before Columbus set foot on these shores, Scandinavian seafarers in quest of new territory had discovered (and temporarily settled in) North America. These intrepid adventurers crossed the Atlantic Ocean in wooden longboats with large square sails. Icelandic Vikings (hailing from Norway) made seven exploratory journeys to the new continent (from settlements in Greenland), according to written records. The US based Leif Ericson Millennium Committee, a nonprofit corporation comprised of prominent Scandinavian-Americans, has organized three of the year’s highlights: The traveling exhibition titled, Vikings: The North Atlantic Saga, which starts its two-year tour at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC (April 29 - September 4, 2000) then go to New York City, Ottawa, Los Angeles, Houston, and Chicago. Comprised of more than 200 artifacts, including Viking jewelry, woodcarvings, and grave goods, the exhibition explores the historical impact of the new archaeological finds. In honor of the Vikings’ historic voyage across the Atlantic, the Sailing of 15 Viking Ships, built as faithful reproductions of the original vessels, will take place in August 2000. The ships will cruise along the North American coastline departing from L’Anse aux Meadows, Canada, heading for New York City and Philadelphia, PA, before ending up at Annapolis, MD, site of the US Naval Academy. The Viking Millennium International Symposium, an interdisciplinary conference on Viking culture, will be held at the sites of the first European settlements in the New World in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. (Sept. 16-24, 2000). Headed by four prominent Scandinavian archaeologists, the two-day event will offer both academic and popular sessions. For details on both the above, visit the website listed below. ![]() |