Swedish-American Society
Newsletter, March 1999 Edition President: Leland Peterson 489-7061
More than a few will be turned off by a program that looks more like a syllabus or train schedule than a description of a fun and informal meeting for good eating and singing, but this is a one-time thing to remind our good and loyal members that we have many fun things to do in limited time and that we cannot wait for everyone to show before we begin the festivities. So come as soon as you can by 4:00 or shortly thereafter and enjoy! Sue Arith and Gordy Nelson will set up tables and chairs between three and four o'clock. Bob Olson will bring the refreshments before four o'clock. Club members who bring refreshments for the happy hour should do so by 4:20. If possible we should sell raffle tickets between 4:20 and 4:50 and have the drawing of raffle tickets between 4:50 and 5:00. We will sing Du Gamla Du Fria and O Beautiful for Spacious Skies before dinner on the assumption that we may wish to adopt some official songs for the club (open for discussion). The specialties will be stuffed cabbage and baked potatoes (Kaldolmar och potatisar). We will eat between 5:10 and 6 o'clock. Announcements will be made the by the president and treasurer from 5:40 to 6 o'clock. We will sing along with Ted and Herb between 6:00 and 6:20. Herb will then tell about putting together a family history and Larry Leonardson will talk about and useful items in our Web site for making a family history. Cleanup will be from 7:00 to 7:30
Need directions to the meeting,
contact us at:
Handouts are available at the meeting for the three Swedish songs we have been practicing: Du Gamla Du Fria, Kungssanga, and Sankta Lucia. Translations into English have been made by Hans Thunander and the texts of Du Gamla and Kungssangen have been transcribed in Swedish with selected words marginally glossed so any English reader may see the close resemblances in many instances between Swedish and English. Swedish is not a difficult language to learn for speakers of English as both languages are of the same Germanic family, which also includes Norwegian, Danish, and Dutch. Patriotic songs always have certain images and themes in common. Usually they celebrate the landscape and conditions of freedom, as does Du Gamla, Du Fria, with its sun, sky and green meadows. In “America of the Beautiful” we celebrate spacious skies, amber waves of grain and the fruited plane. Not quite so obvious is a parallel from Kungssangen, with a Gene Autry song. I remember from olden days (the 1930's). Gene used to sing “Deep within my heart lies a melody, a song of old San Anton.” which seems to parallel the opening lines of Kungssangen, which celebrates “in the depth of Swedish hearts a unanimous and simple song.” How many remember a Victor Herbert melody about a “a song in the air but the fair senorita does not seem to care for the song in the air’? All of us have had the experience of a song stuck in the mind that will not go away. Not quite what we have been talking about, but related. MEMBER NEWS Diane Garvin is ill and confined to bed at home. We are all hoping that she will recover soon. Let her know you’re concerned. Gladys Nelson is spending a few weeks in
To make the Swedish characters press alt
å = alt 134
TIDEWATER, VIRGINIA Tentative Schedule for 1999 Main Dish Program March 21 Kaldomar
Family History
April 18 Fisk
Travels in
May 16
Kottbullar Club Birthday
June 20 Bruna
Bonor Folk Dancing
September 19 Lamm med Dillsas
November 21 Kalvkott med Dillsas
Swedish-American Chorale
DIRECTIONS TO OUR MEETINGS If coming from the peninsula, take
The children will be making paper cut-out Viking ships at this meeting. We will color them with markers so will hopefully be a little neater this month. If anyone has any very fine string or fishing line that they are willing to donate, it would be greatly appreciated. ![]() CLUB OFFICERS President - Leland Peterson 489-7061 Vice President - Alise Dilworth Secretary - Georgie Unser Treasurer - Don Lundquist Newletter Editor - Nellie Leonardson Web Master - Larry Leonardson 721-6827 OUR ADDRESS ON THE WEB: |