When Last We Met
Last meeting was a full
one. It was our birthday of the club meeting. There were lots of people,
lots of food, lots of memories and lots of
prizes for the raffle. It was
a fun meeting.
There were 38 adults and 10 children present, more or less. Our guests
were Howard Vik,
Bror Carlson, Betty Brown from
Boston , Tennie Duke and Martha and Ned Jones.
We had a happy hour, lots of food highlighted by salmon and BBQ.
Gladys Nelson made the birthday cake which was pretty, delicious and big
enough for everyone to get a piece. Ted Johnson led us in singing songs
from our songbook. Larry Leonardson led the business meeting. The
membership roster is being updated. Please make sure your information
is correct. Kjerstiin
Bertelund gave awards to her
students of the Swedish language. They were Kathy Brown, Sandy MacGregor,
Leland Peterson , and Olaf and Barbara Storaasil. A sign up sheet was passed
around for those interested in a summer Sveirge Bord. Folks will meet at
a restaurant to eat and converse in Swedish.
Our two program speakers
were Bentley Anderson and Don Lundquist. Bentley gave an interesting
talk on the Swedish way of observing Midsömmar. He also read
out each name of our departed members and the year they died. They are
not forgotten and as Don Lundquuist
said, we have been blessed by having them in the club. Don
gave an informative and fun history of the club. It all
started 24 years ago with the
vision of Anna Rydingsvaar and Kit Larson, a Dane. He mentioned what
is required to be in this club-you must be Swedish or interested
in Sweden. Past presidents were named, past meeting places
were mentioned and memories from the good ole days brought us right up
to the present time. It was time for the raffle, Diane Newlon was in charge
and she
had many happy winners. We cleaned
up and the meeting was over.
Respectfully submitted,
Merrie Jo Milner |
24th of June Midsommar (Midsummer)
Midsummer is celebrated around the 24:th June.
24:th June is the "real" Midsummer Day, when the days are at the longest
and nights are as short as they get. The original celebration of Midsummer
comes from the Vikings, who celebrated the sun.
To celebrate Midsummer in Sweden, people dance
around a big pole stuck in the ground, called Midsummer pole. The Midsummer
pole is decorated with flowers and birch leaves. We sing a lot of songs
when we dance around the pole. On Midsummer, the most favoured dish is
pickled herring with new potatoes and schnapps; for dessert, strawberries
with cream and/or sugar. |
According to tradition, girls should pick 7 different
kinds of flowers before they go to bed. If they put them under their pillow
and sleep on them, they will dream of their future husband.
Midsommer is a very special holiday for Mellbystrand.
People from all parts of Sweden arives and there is one party in every
summer house. A special fair is situared in central Mellbystrand and the
beach is crowded with people.
Fruktsoppa Fruit Soup serves 6
3/4 cup dried apricots
3/4 cup dried prunes
6 cup cold water
1 cinnamon stick
2 lemon slices
3 tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca
1 cup granulated sugar
2 tablespoons raisins
1 tablespoons dried currants
1 tart cooking apple, peeled, cored
& cut into thin slices
Soak the dried apricots and prunes in
6 cups cold water in a large pot for 30 minutes. Add the cinnamon stick,
lemon slices, tapioca and sugar and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat, cover
and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring. Stir in raisins, currants and
apples slices and simmer an additional 5 minutes, or until the apples are
tender. Pour into a large bowl and let cool to room temperature.
Remove cinnamon stick.
Cover and refrigerate 1 hour. |