Sunday, December 12, 1999 Third Floor, First Lutheran Church 13th and Colley Avenue Norfolk, Virginia 23517 Program and Decor Setup
VALKOMMEN Sunday , December 12, 1999.
Guests are welcome! The usual charge for guests is five dollars per adult. *Guests interested in becoming Society members will be asked to leave name and address so that we can send them at least two newsletters inviting them to our next two meetings. Members inviting guests should remember to increase their food donation accordingly. **Subscriptions to Sweden & America, according to the Swedish Council of America, will be reduced from eight dollars to three dollars for four issues annually. January is the month for renewal. ***The Swedish Emigrant Institute in Vaxjo, Sweden, after discovering our WebSite, has sent us an e-mail asking us to contribute something for next summer's exhibition on Sweden's influence in America. We plan to send some numbers of our newsletter. ****The January meeting of our Society will be an open forum discussion and critique of food and programs during 1999 so that we can plan the best possible programs for 2000. Details will be forthcoming in the January newsletter. *****Additional committee nominations include the following: Music, instrumental: Steve and Patti Carlson, Jon Lindbergh. Ceremonies: Bentley Anderson God Jul och Gott Nytt År
When Last We Met
Leland Peterson began the meeting by introducing Marilyn Melendy, who presented BOB & NANCY OLSON with a wedding gift. He also made the announcement that Alan and Lisbeth Coker are moving to Richmond. Lisbeth has shown great loyalty and dedication in organizing the Sankta Lucia celebration held each year at our Christmas meeting. She has agreed to organize it one last time this Dec. 12th, to be held at First Lutheran Church in Norfolk. Volunteers to set up on Saturday will be needed. The cost will be $5.00 for guests. Bentley Anderson suggested that we plan to have a group picture taken at that time. A sheet was passed around so the members could sign up as to what they would be bringing for the Smorgasbord at the Sankta Lucia Festival. A sheet was also passed around for any who would like to serve and had not been assigned a committee. Our president then turned the program over to Don and Joanne Lundquist, who briefed us on their first-time adventure to Sweden. They traveled by car, and showed on a map, where their journey took them. They began in Stockholm and traveled in a circle around the South of Sweden back to Stockholm. Both Don and Joanne are 100% Swedish so they
Before adjourning the meeting, Leland announced that we had received
an invitation to contribute any special programs or ideas with which we
are involved, to a Newsletter published by the Swedish Immigrant Institute
in Veijo, Sweden. He also encouraged members to volunteer to share
their Swedish family history with the club.
At the close of the meeting, Ted Johnson led us in practicing the singing of Sankta Lucia in Swedish. He assigned each of us the task of learning this before the December meeting. He also led us in the singing of Silent Night in Swedish. Andy Andersson then led the raffle. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15. As usual, everyone helped Sue Arith with the clean-up and she was ready to lock up in no time. Respectfully Submitted,
1/2 - 1 cup of sugar 1 large teaspoon of vanilla suger
Crush cinnamon and cardamom. Peel lemon. Put all spices + peels in a glass jar with the vodka. Cover. Leave over night. Strain the vodka, toss the spices. Mix the now spicy vodka with wine and sugars. Heat all ingredients in a large kettle until steaming hot. Do not boil! Stir and taste. If not sweet enough, add sugar. If too sweet, add vodka and wine. Serve with peeled almonds (or just chop them up) and raisins, plus of course pepper cookies (ginger bread). The Glögg will be even spicier and gets a fuller taste if you bottle
it and leave it for a week. You can also leave out the vodka if you wish
something with less alcohol.
Mix butter, sugar and syrup. Add spices and bicarbonate, then water and finally part of the flour. Mix in the rest of the flour. Let the dough sit over night, wrapped in foil in the fridge. Roll the dough as thin as possible using flour. Cut out figures - preferable Christmas figures, hearts, stars etc. Bake in oven for about 5 minutes at 200-225 degrees C (400-425 degrees
You can get about 300 cookies, depending on how big you
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