President: Leland Peterson 489-7061
SETUP at 10:00 Saturday morning for the four people contacted by Alise Dilworth (489-0490). The other six should be there Sunday afternoon at 3:00 p.m. to complete the table settings and beverage setup. Volunteers are Sue Arith, Ann Wiley, Sandy MacGregor,Glenn Gerdin, Paul Hoden, Ed & Georgie Unser, Don & Joann Lundquist. SMÖRGASBORD SETUP at 3:30 p.m. with Marilyn Melendy (625-2994).
Volunteers are Bob Olson, Steve & Henriette Emmanuel, Barbara &
Olaf Storrassli. Four people have volunteered meat balls; other foods
needed include the following (call Marilyn if you have any questions):
GUESTS: a $5.00 contribution for each adult sixteen or over. If bringing guests, please include in your food contribution enough for yourselves and your guests. |
Sunday , December 17, 2000 3:30 SMÖRGASBORD SETUP 4:00 Fellowship Hour. 5:00 Välkommen to members and guests, followed by Du Gamla, My Country, and I Jesu Namn, after which all move till bords. 5:45 TED YONSON with solos and sing-along in Swedish and English. 6:15 The SANKTA LUCIA ceremony directed by Lizbeth Coker and introduced by Bentley Anderson. 6:45 Hälsa Dem Där Hemma and clean up.
****The January meeting of our Society will be an open forum discussion
and critique of food and programs during 2000 so that we
God Jul och Gott Nytt År
When Last We Met
The monthly meeting was held on Sunday, November 19st. The fellowship hour began at 4:00 with a variety of snacks and beverages. At 5:00 we gathered at the tables to sing Du Gamla, My Country ‘Tis of Thee, and to pray our Swedish table grace “I Jesu Namn”. Following the delicious buffet, Leland opened the business meeting and Henriett Emanuel took the children to a workshop to make colorful Thanksgiving ornaments. Our president introduced our guests Barbara VanDiver and Michelle, a fellow musician friend of Steve & Patty Carlson, and Magnus Lindquist, a friend of Connie Hammons. He also announced that we had a new member, who really needed no introduction, Anne Wiley, a friend of Sue Airth. Don Lundquist gave the treasurers report. He also announced that there were 2 calendars left. We have 31 members who have paid their dues. Following the treasurer’s report, we voted on the slate of officers who had been nominated. The vote was unanimous and the new officers are: Larry Leonardson, President; Bentley Anderson, Vice President; Georgie Unser, Secretary; and Don Lundquist, Treasurer. The next order of business was where the Sankta Lucia celebration would be held. After much discussion it was decided it would be held at First Lutheran Church again this year, on December 17th. A list was passed around for members to sign up to help with preparations and the food they would be bringing for the Smorgasbord. Marilyn Melendy passed around a list with a wide variety of food choices. Ted Johnson presented Kjersten Bertlerud with a gift of a CD for teaching the Swedish language class. Leland bid farewell to Connie Hammons. She will be missed as she has been a very active member. Hans Thunander announced that the Smithsonian is sponsoring a very extensive website on the internet. The website is Marilyn Melendy presented Leland with a going - out - of - office gift of lutefish. All were invited to share his gift with him. I don’t recall that there were any takers! Ted Johnson led us in a song fest. We sang “O store Gud”, “Tack,
O Cud”, “för Vad du Varit”, “Sankta Lucia”, “Staffan van en ställedrang”,
“Still’ natt, heliga natt”, and “Tryggonre kan ingen vara”.
Respectfully Submitted,
Crush cinnamon and cardamom. Peel lemon. Put all spices + peels in a glass jar with the vodka. Cover. Leave over night. Strain the vodka, toss the spices. Mix the now spicy vodka with wine and sugars. Heat all ingredients in a large kettle until steaming hot. Do not boil! Stir and taste. If not sweet enough, add sugar. If too sweet, add vodka and wine. Serve with peeled almonds (or just chop them up) and raisins, plus of course pepper cookies (ginger bread). The Glögg will be even spicier and gets a fuller taste if you bottle
it and leave it for a week. You can also leave out the vodka if you wish
something with less alcohol.
Mix butter, sugar and syrup. Add spices and bicarbonate, then water and finally part of the flour. Mix in the rest of the flour. Let the dough sit over night, wrapped in foil in the fridge. Roll the dough as thin as possible using flour. Cut out figures - preferable Christmas figures, hearts, stars etc. Bake in oven for about 5 minutes at 200-225 degrees C (400-425 degrees
You can get about 300 cookies, depending on how big you make them.