Swedish-American Society 
Newsletter, September 1999 Edition

President: Leland Peterson 489-7061
Web master: Larry Leonardson 721-6827

Sunday, September 19, 1999
Ruritan Club, Witchduck Road

3:00  Doors open and set up
4:00 Happy Hour and Club fellowship 
5:00  Opening club songs and table grace
5:10  Business:
5:30 Program
6:45  Raffle
7:00-7:30 Cleanup and doors closed.    
3:00 Doors open for set up.
4:00 Please bring side dishes and desserts. 
5:00  We will be singing Du Gamla, Du Fria  
and America the Beautiful and saying our table
5:30 For the Sing Along we will depend on Ted
Johnson for our practice of the Sorgasbord
specials. The featured dinner dishes are Lamm
med Dillsas, a lamb stew with delicious Swedish
gravy, and potatiskorv, a Swedish sausage
if someone is able to make it or buy. Marilyn
Melendy has some tips on the sausage. Please 
bring appropriate vegetables, desserts and breads
and any other meat.
5:40 The business meeting will be a report to
from the Alise Dillworth committee on the travel
award.  Ted Johnson will report on buying
name badges. For the fun part, Ted Johnson will
lead us in singing Swedish and American songs,
and If time remains I will give a brief review of a
selection from the book, A Community
Transplanted, which is about immigration from
Orsa to the American Middle West in the last
6:45  The raffle will be held. We much
appreciate the contributions and the
participation of the members in this raffle.
7:00-7:30 Cleanup


If coming from the peninsula, take I-64 across the
Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel, follow 64 to 264
East. Follow 264 to the Witchduck Road exit,
after exiting, turn left onto Witchduck Road.
About 1/4 to ½ mile is Ruritan Drive (fire station
light is there). Turn left on Ruritan, go the end of
the street, building is on the left.
                         CLUB OFFICERS
President - Leland Peterson 489-7061
Vice President - Alise Dilworth
Secretary - Georgie Unser 
Treasurer - Don Lundquist
Newletter Editor - Nellie Leonardson
Web Master-Larry Leonardson 721-6827

                    OUR ADDRESS ON THE WEB:
                       CHILDREN’S CORNER
The children will be making ceramic 
jack-o-lantern bags as well as learning the stages
of making ceramics. Because we will be working
with paints as well as ceramic slip, better know as
mud, please dress your children accordingly. 
Remember that in October we will be starting on
our Christmas ornaments. We will be using glue,
paint, and anything else Nellie can get her hands
on. If you have any oyster shells or small gauge
wire, we would appreciate your donation.

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Our last monthly meeting was held on  Sunday,
June 20th.  The social hour was from 4:00 - 5:00. 
Everyone socialized while Larry Leonardson was
preparing the grills.  We then gathered inside
where we sand “Du gamla du fria” and “America
the Beautiful,” followed by the meal consisting
of our choice of meat plus side dishes and
desserts contributed by the club members. 
Visitors were introduced and welcomed.

Club President Leland Peterson opened the
business meeting with the Treasurer’s report
given by the club treasurer, Don Lundquist.  Ted
Johnson have a report concerning the need for
name tags (badges).  John Lindberg made a
motion to order 50 badges and then amended it
to order 40 badges for $250.00.  The motion
was unanimously carried.  The business meeting
was short, due to the other events that were
planned for the evening.  Nellie Leonardson had
gathered the children together outside to make
their own individual miniature  Midsommer
poles.  There were 43 adults present and 6
Following the meeting Ted Johnson led us in the
singing of the “Halsa Dem Darkemma” and
Johan pa Snippen.”  Folowing the singing the
raffle was held.  

The tables were then removed to make room for
the dancing.  Members of the Norfolk Symphony
played music while the more “talented” members
did the Polka, the Waltz and some
choreographed their own dances.  One of the
members looked very authentic in her Swedish
dress.  At the conclusion of the dancing,
everyone went outside and danced around the
beautifully decorated Midsommar pole. 
 “Majstangen-Midsommarstangen reses infor dansen.”

This concluded the meetings for the summer.  


Hans and Margit Thunander went to Sweden for
the summer. We can expect to see them again in
the fall.

Leland and Betty Peterson would have just
returned from a week in Minnesota, returning just
in time for our meeting.

And our big news is that we will be soon be
welcoming a new member into our club, Nancy
Olson.  Nancy is the beautiful woman who will
become Bob Olson’s bride on September 18th.

Congratulations Bob & Nancy!

                        CALLING COMMITTEE

Please do your calling as soon as you receive the
newsletter.  Betty will call you on Friday the 17th
for the count.  Many thanks for your cooperation.

I know that at one time there was a list compiled
of members birthdays and anniversarys. I would
like to include these in our newsletter but do not
have that list. If someone has it, please let me
know. Otherwise we will have a list available at
this meeting so you can provide me with the

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