Swedish-American Society 
Newsletter, September, 2000 Edition

President: Leland Peterson 489-7061
Web master: Larry Leonardson 721-6827

Sunday, September 17, 2000 
Ruritan Club, Witchduck Road


3:00 Doors open set up, picking up where we left off in June with Sue Arith, Connie Hammons and Sandy McGregor.

4:00  Fellowship Hour: Club provides the soft drinks, beer & wine but depends on the membership for the hors d'oeuvres (cheese, crackers, nuts, etc.).

5:00 Du Gamla, My Country Tis of Thee and I Jesu Namn.

DINING: Open-face sandwiches; bring a tray of your favorites.  We will depend on pot luck for complementary salads (green, fruit potato, etc.) and desserts.

5:45 Business meeting: 
       -Treasurer's report; 
       -additions to our archives includes  newsletters from 1980; 
       -re-organization of our Swedish language program with 
        Kjerstin  Bertelrud leading (the Club has a set of the four tapes and 
        three books for sale at $80.00);

           -preparations to nominate officers  in October for 2001-02  if 
            possible, though the two-year  term is not a rule. 
         -Other business from the floor

6:00  Ted Johnson will lead us in singing traditional dance and drinking songs from our Song Book, a necessary prelude to the talk that follows.

6:20  Leland Peterson will talk on "Fun and Games in Olde Sweden" as related to the beginning of the great migration in the 1860-70 decade, communities transplanted in Minnesota, especially the establishing of a Baptist community (where he grew up) by Hansjö natives in a vast sea of Swedish Lutherans (who had all the fun)..

6:45  Raffle with Andy Andersson.  Raffle items, necessary contributions to a healthy treasury, come through the generosity of members.

7:00 Hälsa Dem Där Hemma and clearing tables.


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When Last We Met
 The monthly meeting of the 
Swedish-American Society was held on Sunday, June 18, 2000.  There were many things happening on that week-end including OpSail and Father’s Day.  As a result, several members were not present. Our Vice-President, Alise Dilworth, wore several hats for that meeting, filling in for our President, Leland Peterson, and our Secretary, Georgie Unser.  Being the capable, competent and dependable board member that she is, she didn’t miss a beat. The following is her report of the meeting:
 The meeting was a relaxed Midsommar picnic.  Happy Hour was from 4:00 to 5:00 pm with good snacks, fellowship and beverages.  The Leonardsons, Bentley Anderson, and Bob Olson worked very hard washing off the outdoor picnic area for our cookout.  At 5:00 p.m. we sang “Du Gama”, “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”, and together prayed our Swedish Table Grace, “I Jesu Namn”. After dinner, we dispensed with a business meeting and went directly to a sing-along.  We were pleased and privileged to have Steve and Patti Carlson accompany us in our sing-along of some familiar and some new songs that Ted Johnson has been teaching us.  Thanks to our musicians for making our sing-along so much fun.
 Bentley Anderson read an excerpt on the origin and explanation of Midsommar.  Also he shared a pictorial treasure designating a life time-line.  Nellie Leonardson lead the children in a craft painting class that turned out beautiful flowerpots and saucers.  At 7:00, we had the unexpected pleasure of a visit with Mr. Carlson, father of Barbara Storaasli, who was celebrating his 97th birthday.
 At the conclusion of the meeting Andy Andersson held the raffle, after which several club members stayed and visited with Mr. Carlson.
 There were 28 people in attendance including children. 
     Respectfully Submitted,
          Georgie Unser - Secretary
As this newsletter goes to print, Nellie is undecided as to what craft the children will be making.  Also, due to added job responsibilities, a full course load at college and the demands as the CG Angel Fund chairman, I am going to have to take a break from the Swedish Club for several months.  If anyone can volunteer to do the crafts with the children, please contact Nellie or Leland. 

President - Leland Peterson    489-7061 
Vice President - Alise Dilworth 
Secretary - Georgie Unser  
Treasurer - Don Lundquist 
Newsletter Editor - Nellie Leonardson 
Web Master-Larry Leonardson 721-6827


If coming from the peninsula, take I-64 across the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel, follow 64 to 264 East (144). Follow 264 to the Witchduck Road exit, after exiting, turn left onto Witchduck Road. About 1/4 to ½ mile is Ruritan Drive (fire station light is there). Turn left on Ruritan, go the end of the street, building is on the left  

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