Swedish-American Society 
Newsletter, May, 2001 Edition

President: Larry Leonardson 721-6827

          Sunday 20 May 2001 
          Ruritan Club, Witchduck Road


3:00   Setup by Sue Arith, Sandy MacGregor and Alise Dilworth Committee members.

4:00 Happy Hour

5:00 Dinner with club birthday cake for dessert.
The Swedish National Anthem, America, and the Table Grace, I Jesu Namn.
Dinner: Salmon, Baked, Broiled, Casserole, and other for your delectation.

5:45  Business Meeting

6:00  A brief memorial program followed by No. 89 in the Swedish Song Book, "När Guds röst till välkomst bjuder," a surprise for everyone not forewarned   
The annual birthday party.  Dessert will be our specially decorated birthday cake.  No. 28 in the Song Book will be appropriate:"Ja, må han leva."  Other songs led by Ted Johnson, including No. 25, "I Ban a Swede.".

6:15-6:30 Bentley Anderson on the history of our club and the reading of the Memoriam list.

6:30-6:50 Sing-Along with Ted Johnson

6:45  Raffle 
7:00  No. 22, "Hälsa dem därhemma" for closing, after which the cleanup.

4:00  Hors d'oeuvres for the beverages (soft drinks, beer and wine) are traditionally provided by the members.
5:00  Vegetables and breads to complement the salmon will be gratefully received from the members.  The birthday cake should suffice for dessert.  If you have questions, call Marilyn Melendy at 625-2494.

NOTE: Gladys Nelson volunteered to provide the birthday cake for this anniversary meeting

President - Larry Leonardson 721-6827
Vice President - Bentley Anderson  340-9757
Secretary -   
Treasurer - Don Lundquist         855-9251
Newsletter Editor - Nellie Leonardson 
Web Master- Larry Leonardson



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  If coming from the peninsula, take I-64 across the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel, follow 64 to 264 East (144). Follow 264 to the Witchduck Road exit, after exiting, turn left onto Witchduck Road. About 1/4 to ½ mile is Ruritan Drive (fire station light is there). Turn left on Ruritan, go the end of
the street, building is on the left

When Last We Met
 Our April meeting was the lamb feast.  It was attended by 31adults and 3 children.  We had 2 guests: Anita White and Ingrid Kraus.  
 Sandy McGregor, Sue Airth and Alise Dilworth were the set-up crew.  They got everything ready for “Happy Hour” and our meal of lamb, vegetables, salads, breads and desserts.  
 Ted Johnson led us in our singing.  The songs were En Gang Jag Seglar I hamm; Kostervalsen; 
En Sjöman Älskar havets våg, and our great finale: Hålsa dem därhemma.
 Ed Unser was the stand in treasurer.  Don Lundquist was out of town.  Ed reported that the new memorial songbooks were in and the new nametags are ready to be delivered.
 Larry Leonardson, our president, led the business meetings.  He is working on some links to our website.  Swedish classes are beginning again.  The first one is this Saturday at Kjerstin Bertelrud’s home.  There is a need for greenery (& flowers) for the June Midsömmar meeting.  There were several “thank-yous” to the members.  Gladys Nelson thanked everyone for their condolences concerning Elva Giordano, the Unser family sent a card and Sue Airth thanked everyone for the cards when she was ill. 
   Nellie Leonardson led the children in the very
popular bead melting craft.  They made beautiful fish magnets.
 We ended with the raffle.  Diane Newlon sold many tickets and the table was full of prizes, including pots of lambs ear plants.  Many went home with a prize.  Most everyone helped in the clean up and the meeting was over.    
   Respectfully Submitted,
    Merrie Jo Milner

The children’s craft this month is a repeat from last month. I will be purchasing larger bead boards as the children would like to add to their other creations. In June we will once again be making the  popular Midsömmar pole.  Dried flowers and tiny ribbons will be needed, please donate these items if possible. Time permitting the children may also be painting ceramic ducks as they will have the ducks in the ponds as models.


  90       g            Potatoes -- peeled
  ½       ts.           Salt
   1        t            Oil or margarine

Grate the potato. Heat a frying pan. Take 1/2 to 1/3 of the grated potato and put in the frying pan.  Spread it out, it should be thin as a lace. Fry until it's golden brown, turn and fry the other side. Serve with unsweetened lingonberry jam
  Could be eaten alone or with some meat

In Memoriam

   Helen Baldwin 1981 
   Anna Rydingsvard 1982 
   Harry Nelson 1983 
   Bror Anderson 1984 
   Hartha Swedberg 1984 
   Virgil Rissell 1987 
   Marie Warren 1987 
   Genevive Cadotte 1988 
   Harry Johnson 1988 
   Gota Anderson 1988 
   Nels Anderson 1990 
   Anna Anderson 1990 
   Alice Belton 1992 
   Clarence Walburg 1993 
   Karin Rosendahl 1994 
   Edna Carroll 1996 
   Maury Nelson 1996 
   Elsa Truelove 1997 
   Bob Wilson 1998 
   Julia Herman 1999 
   Diane Garvin 1999 
   Georgie Unser 2001
   Andy Andersson 2001
  Elva Giordano   2001


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